
Objetivou-se caracterizar a popula\ue7\ue3o de Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville para verificar a viabilidade de manejo em uma \ue1rea de cerrado sensu stricto no norte de Minas Gerais. Para isso, inventariaram-se 25 parcelas, de 400 m\ub2 cada uma, em dois s\uedtios (I e II), totalizando 1 hectare amostrado em cada s\uedtio. Foram mensurados todos os indiv\uedduos adultos vivos de barbatim\ue3o com di\ue2metros a 1,30 m do solo (DAP) 65 3 cm de barbatim\ue3o. Dentro das parcelas foram mensurados o di\ue2metro (DAP) e a altura (H) e, posteriormente, para cada s\uedtio foram avaliados: o quociente de De Liocourt (q), a \ue1rea basal (G) e a estratifica\ue7\ue3o vertical. Os resultados mostraram uma densidade de 180 e 218 indiv\uedduos/ ha, di\ue2metros m\ue9dio de 7,38 e 6,26 cm, m\ue9dia de \u2018q\u2019 de 2,22 e 1,50 e alturas m\ue9dias de 2,93 e 3,10 m nos dois s\uedtios respectivamente. O quociente de De Liocourt mostrou comprometimento no recrutamento em algumas classes diam\ue9tricas no S\uedtio II. Apesar do desbalanceamento apontado pelo valor \u2018q\u2019, a distribui\ue7\ue3o diam\ue9trica comportou-se de forma exponencialmente negativa conforme o esperado para florestas nativas em processo de sucess\ue3o secund\ue1ria. Observou-se uma maior concentra\ue7\ue3o de indiv\uedduos no estrato m\ue9dio de altura com 142 e 154 indiv\uedduos em cada s\uedtio respectivamente. Conclui-se que, embora tenham estruturas distintas, nos dois s\uedtios estudados, as popula\ue7\uf5es de barbatim\ue3o s\ue3o compostas por um grande n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos de pequenos di\ue2metros e com exclusividade do estrato vertical mediano. A capacidade de regenera\ue7\ue3o da esp\ue9cie, alta densidade de indiv\uedduos por hectare e a estrutura horizontal e vertical mostram que existe viabilidade em manejar o barbatim\ue3o no dois s\uedtios desde que suas estruturas sejam mantidas equilibradas.This study aimed to characterize of the Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville population to verify the viability of sustainable management in area of Savanna in the north of state Minas Gerais, Brazil country. Therefore inventoried 25 plots of 400 square meters in two places, in all was inventoried one hectare in each places. Was measured all adults individuals with diameter at breast height the 1,30 meter (DBH) 64 3 centimeter of barbatim\ue3o. In these plots was measured the diameter (DBH) and height (H) and subsequently for each site was evaluated: the De Liocourt quotient (q), basal area (G) and vertical stratification. The outcome showed a density of 180 and 218, mean diameters of 7,38 and 6,26 meters, mean of \u2018q\u2019 of 2,22 and 1,50 and means heights of 2,93 and 3,10 meters in two site respectively. The quotient\u2019 De Liocourt showed imbalance in the recruitment in some classes of Site two. Although the imbalance indicated by \u2018q\u2019, the diameter distribution behaved exponentially negative as expected for native forests in the process of secondary succession. The Observed a more concentration of individuals in the middle stratum with 142 and 154 individuals in each site respectively. The conclusion this work that is although the species has distinct structure, on both sites studied the population of the barbatim\ue3o is constituted for a great number of diameter small individuals and with exclusivity of middle vertical stratum. The regenerative capacity of the specie, density height of the individuals per hectare and the horizontal and vertical structure show that there is viability to manage of the barbatim\ue3o on both sites since that their structures is maintained balanced

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