Dynamics of roots of arboreal species: vision of the literature


A din\ue2mica do sistema radicular de uma planta \ue9 de extrema import\ue2ncia para defini\ue7\uf5es de t\ue9cnicas de manejo nas \ue1reas agr\uedcola e florestal. A raiz, al\ue9m de ter a fun\ue7\ue3o b\ue1sica de sustentar a planta, \ue9 o meio de esta absorver \ue1gua e nutrientes. Observando a import\ue2ncia do sistema radicular de uma planta e a escassez de estudos sobre o assunto, esta revis\ue3o tem como objetivo levantar os pontos abordados por pesquisadores da \ue1rea florestal, com rela\ue7\ue3o aos fatores ambientais que influenciam a produ\ue7\ue3o de ra\uedzes finas, aos recursos dispon\uedveis no solo, \ue0s varia\ue7\uf5es na longevidade das ra\uedzes e nos processos de senesc\ueancia e substitui\ue7\ue3o das ra\uedzes finas. A din\ue2mica observada na rizosfera \ue9 sens\uedvel \ue0s varia\ue7\uf5es edafoclim\ue1ticas, sendo que esse comportamento varia ainda em fun\ue7\ue3o das esp\ue9cies, idade do povoamento, competi\ue7\ue3o entre indiv\uedduos, recursos dispon\uedveis, manejo, profundidade de avalia\ue7\ue3o, competi\ue7\ue3o entre esp\ue9cies, entre outros.The root system dynamics of a plant are very important for definitions of management in the agricultural and forest area. The root, besides the basic function of sustaining the plant, is the part through which plants absorb water and nutritious. In function of the importance of the root system of a plant and the shortage of studies on this subject, this revision has as objective to approach the researched themes in the forest area, regarding the environmental factors that influence the fine roots production, the available resources in the soil, the variations in the roots longevity and the aging processes and turnover of the fine roots. The root dynamics are sensitive to the climate and soil variations, and still variable in function of the species, age of the forest or plantation, competition among individuals, resources available, management, evaluation depth, competition among species, and others

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