Gasification of lignocellulosic materials for generation of electric energy.


O objetivo deste trabalho foi construir um gaseificador contracorrente em alvenaria para avaliar o potencial de gera\ue7\ue3o de energia el\ue9trica de esp\ue9cies de eucalipto cultivadas no estado de Minas Gerais, de res\uedduos da agroind\ufastria e da mistura desses materiais. Determinaram-se a composi\ue7\ue3o qu\uedmica imediata e o poder calor\uedfico dos materiais utilizados. Experimentaram-se os diferentes materiais lignocelul\uf3sicos e a gasolina, como testemunha. Para os fatores testados, foram executadas medi\ue7\uf5es dos rendimentos el\ue9tricos e de consumos dos materiais. O delineamento estat\uedstico foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 17 tratamentos e tr\ueas repeti\ue7\uf5es e as an\ue1lises estat\uedsticas feitas a 5% de signific\ue2ncia. Com base nos resultados obtidos e nas an\ue1lises estat\uedsticas realizadas, concluiu\u2013se que o conjunto gaseificador-gerador \ue9 de f\ue1cil constru\ue7\ue3o, fabricado com materiais de f\ue1cil aquisi\ue7\ue3o e de custo reduzido; dentre os materiais avaliados o carv\ue3o da esp\ue9cie Corimbia citriodora, com 78% de carbono fixo, apresentou o melhor desempenho de pot\ueancia gerada, obtendo-se 1.391 watts, com tens\ue3o constante de 230 volts. Os res\uedduos utilizados de baga\ue7o de cana, palha de arroz, casca de caf\ue9, sabugo de milho e moinha de carv\ue3o n\ue3o apresentaram potencial para gera\ue7\ue3o de energia pelo tipo de gaseificador utilizado.The objective of this work was to build a countercurrent gasifier in hardened mortar to evaluate the potential of generating electrical energy of eucalyptus species grown in the state of Minas Gerais, from agroindustry residues and from the mixture of those materials. The immediate chemical composition and the heat power of the materials utilized were determined. The different lignocellulosic materials were experienced, and gas was used as the control. For the factors being tested, measurements of the electric yields and consumptions of the materials were performed. The statistical design was the completely randomized with seventeen treatments and three replicates done at 5% of significance. On the basis of the results obtained and on the statistical analyses performed, it follows that the gasifier-generator set is easy to build, made with easily purchased and low cost materials. Among the materials evaluated the coal of the species, Corimbia citriodora, with 78% of fixed carbon, presented the best performance of generated power, obtaining 1,391 watts, with a constant tension of 230 volts. The residues utilized of cane bagasse, rice straw, corn cob, coffee husk and coal chaff presented no potential to generate energy by the sort of gasifier utilized. Keywords: gasification; electric power; plant coal; residues

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