Embodied cognition as an inclusive approach for special educational needs


“There was a time when mental meant nonphysical, but we are past that belief. Mental processes and states are physical products of the brain. "(Le Doux, 2015, p.170). The time has come to rethink education in the light of new scientific discoveries. The proposal for an approach to an inclusive ECS-based didactics doesn’t want to be final or prescriptive, and probably it cannot even be defined as a real approach. Our attempt is to systematize some interdisciplinary contributions in order to provide insights for the planning of more effective training courses, able to facilitate learning and participation processes in all students. The ECS approach is in line with the existing models and theories of development and learning, based on a complex psychodynamic and neuroscientific anthropology, which identifies the construct of neurodiversity and casts an eyes over the Special Educational Needs

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