Antigen-induced IL-10+ regulatory T cells are independent of CD25+ regulatory cells for their growth, differentiation and function


Recent studies have emphasized the importance of T cells with regulatory/suppressor properties in controlling autoimmune diseases. A number of different types of regulatory T cells have been described with the best characterized being the CD25(+) population. In addition, it has been shown that regulatory T cells can be induced by specific Ag administration. In this study, we investigate the relationship between peptide-induced, CD4(+) regulatory T cells and naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(+) cells derived from the Tg4 TCR-transgenic mouse. Peptide-induced cells were FoxP3(−) and responded to Ag by secreting IL-10, whereas CD25(+) cells failed to secrete this cytokine. Both cell types were able to suppress the proliferation of naive lymphocytes in vitro although with distinct activation sensitivities. Depletion of CD25(+) cells did not affect the suppressive properties of peptide-induced regulators. Furthermore, peptide-induced regulatory/suppressor T cells could be generated in RAG(−/−), TCR-transgenic mice that do not spontaneously generate CD25(+) regulatory cells. These results demonstrate that these natural and induced regulatory cells fall into distinct subsets

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