11 páginas, ilustraciones y tablas estadísticas.The distribution of Meloidogyne arenaria in Spain was revised and new samples collected from representative
areas. Species and races of the populations were determined by morphometrics, differential host tests and SCAR-PCR.
Meloidogyne arenaria was found most often in warm areas, but it can occur in Northern Spain in greenhouses. A total of
125 citations were found, corresponding to 45 different host plants, of which 41 new reports (32.8%) are from this study.
The populations studied belong to race 2, which reproduces on tomato plants carrying the Mi gene, or race 3, which
reproduces on both resistant pepper and tomato. The most frequent hosts were vegetables, fruit trees, tobacco, grapevine,
and weeds.INIA OT-
03-006C7-4 and RTA2007-00099-C00-00; Castilla
La Mancha PAI09-0010-4701, INCRECYT CICyT CTM2006-07309.Peer reviewe