
Strike-slip faults in the south Haouz (Calcareous Dorsal, Internal Rif, N of Tetouan, Maroc). Comparison with the Betics (Spain)


4 páginas, 4 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado en la 41ª Sesión Científica, Barcelona, 2006.Different sets of strike-slip faults of the Haouz Mountains (from Tetouan to the strait of Gibraltar) deform the tectonic slices of the Calcareous Dorsal there present. In this paper we study those faults at the southern part of the Haouz. Three fault formation stages can be distinguished and correspond to the progressive s1 rotation during the Neogene from a near E-W position to approximately N-S, in a progressive anticlockwise rotation. The faults and other related structures are compared with similar ones existing in the Betic Cordillera, in equivalent areas of the arc of Gibraltar.Este artículo es una contribución del grupo de Travaux de Recherches de l’Unité Risques Géologiques et Télédetection, 2006, Rabat y de los proyectos BTE2001-5230-E, CGL200401636/BTE, CGL2004-03333/ BTE, y el grupo RNM 217 de la Junta de Andalucía.Peer reviewe

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