Pain is a gift; it is a fundamental adaptive mechanism to protect ourselves from injuries
and illnesses [1]. While usually pain is perceived as debilitating and intolerable and
researchers are focusing on how to suppress it, its presence has a great survival value,
which becomes evident in its absence. Contrary to the common belief, insensitivity to
pain is a curse, which sometimes is an ill-fated consequence of some conditions, such
as alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and leprosy [2]. Pain warns us of dangers,
impeding us to continue adding insult to an injury causing more serious issues; it forces
us to rest and protect the affected body part until the latter has recovered completely. As
such, pain represents an "unpleasant sensory and emotional experience" but "associated
with actual or potential tissue damage" [3], thus necessary to avoid further repercussions.
When a high-intensity stimulus that can damage tissues is applied onto the human skin,
it activates pain receptors [4], called nociceptors; information reaches the brain through
myelinated A and un-myelinated C nerve fibers and the pain is experienced.
If pain is certainly a gift, complications arise when its natural mechanisms do not
perform correctly and the unpleasant painful sensations become incessant, interfering
drastically with the person’s quality of life. This is not a rare event: as an example,
more than 100 million adults in the United States only are affected by chronic pain.
In such cases, pain loses its role as a warning against more critical injuries and simply
becomes a medical problem, requiring medical treatment. Costs of these treatments are
not negligible: they range from 560to635 billion of US dollars per year, combining the
health care cost and the productivity estimates [5].
Therefore pain has to be investigated, to be better understood and counteracted, if
necessary. Easy? Not at all: pain is difficult to ascertain, is primarily assessed by means of
self-report [6] and experiments on pain suffer from a lack of reproducibility and accuracy.
The result is that many relevant neuro-physiological aspects on pain still remain unclear.
Here is where the engineer work becomes essential: medicine needs engineering to
design, develop and implement reliable and precise devices whose features help pain
research. Furthermore, when possible, the engineer should propose solutions that are
inexpensive, portable, easy-to-assemble and customizable to suit diverse experimental
requirements, ready to be employed into different researches. A complex challenge, without
a doubt, but fundamental: the reader will find throughout this thesis, final report of my
PhD in Electronic Engineering, a dissertation on the development of brand new devices
and strategies to study and counteract the feeling of pain. Particularly, this thesis is made
of two distinct engineering projects, devoted to these two aspects respectively.
Part I - Pain Counteraction: PROVIRT PLP project has the aim to improve the
rehabilitation of upper limb amputees who suffer from Phantom Limb Pain syndrome,
a chronic pain condition, with a technology based on pattern recognition and virtual
reality. A promising discover made by Ramachandran [3] showed how restoring the visual
feedback of the amputated limb may have a primary importance in the pain counteraction,
thus I implemented a device to maximise such illusion. PROVIRT PLP is able to read
surface electromyographic signals from the amputee’s stump and coherently convert them
into the movement of an avatar in a virtual reality environment. This part describes
the project requisites, the design and implementation of the electronics, the observation
regarding the classifiers and the pattern recognition stage and the software application that
commands the virtual reality module. The system is then further improved by the means
of three experimental in-vivo tests, namely Test A - Optimization of EMG-based hand
gesture recognition: Supervised vs. unsupervised data preprocessing on healthy subjects and
transradial amputees (published as [7]), Test B - Evaluating the influence of subject-related
variables on EMG-based hand gesture classification (published as [8]) and Test C - Tuning
parameters and performance evaluation. The project has been funded by INAIL (Italian
government agency for the insurance against work-related injuries) and can be considered
a successful compromise between gesture/intention of movement classification accuracy
and ease of use for both health professionals and amputees. To date, Test D - Therapy
effectiveness that will eventually shed some light on PROVIRT PLP suitability for PLP
counteraction is ongoing, with promising partial results.
Part II - Pain Investigation: PUSH project has the aim to define objective measures
of pain, by means of robust and consistent patterns of noxious stimuli and innocuous
touch. The project wants to develop a device, able to allow for reliable non-invasive
investigation of the peripheral and central mechanisms related to the sense of pain, towards
the definition of biomarkers for its quantitative assessment. Since fMRI is the standard
tool in advanced brain research, PUSH is developed to be completely MR-compatible.
This part describes the idea of a pneumatic-driven system to elicit pain, the design and
implementation of the electronics, the characterization of the system and a fMRI in-vivo
experiment on an adult volunteer to validate it. The project can be considered as a
brand new interesting prototype for any kind of fMRI- and EEG-based work on painful
mechanical stimulation, and a technical paper that describes its details is published
as [9]. This work has been funded by the Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College
of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK, the Department of Neuroscience,
Physiology and Pharmacology, University College London, London, UK and the Centre
for the Developing Brain, Kings College London, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK.
Support for this research is by the EU-FP7 grants CONTEST (ITN-317488), BALANCE
(ICT-601003), Symbitron (ICT-661626) and EU-H2020 grant CogIMon (ICT-23-2014).
Summarizing, this research work is a step forward towards a strict cooperation between
engineers and medical doctors, in the perspective of further advances in the understanding
and the counteracting of the feeling of pain in humans. Two engineering devices, PROVIRT
PLP and PUSH, have been developed to address and solve medical challenges, hoping
they will be even a small puzzle piece in helping people achieve a better quality of life