Modulation of the Shubnikov-de Haas Oscillations by the Exchange Interaction in Cd3xy\text{}_{3-x-y}Znx\text{}_{x}Mny\text{}_{y}As2\text{}_{2}


New measurements of the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) effect in semimagnetic semiconductor (SMSC) Cd3xy\text{}_{3-x-y}Znx\text{}_{x}Mny\text{}_{y}As2\text{}_{2} with x = 0.09 and y = 0.018, using continuous magnetic fields up to 25 T, are presented. The observed modulation of the amplitudes of the first and second SdH harmonics as a function of magnetic field is interpreted in terms of the three band Kane model with the exchange interaction included and taking into account the spin-dependent scattering which appears to be particularly important at high magnetic fields

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