Personality Determinants Conditioning the Occurrence and Development of the Sense of Responsibility


The present paper shows personality determinants of the occurrence and development of the sense of responsibility. The analysis made starts from different ways of formulating this phenomenon in psychological and aducational literature. Here, the sense of responsibility is included as a state of conscience, a feature of mature personality, its attitude, as an element of social role, and as an outcome of educational process. On discussing each of these formulations specific factors which condition the occurrence and development of the sense of responsibility are stressed. From among these factors man’s own participation has a special role apart from innateness and social environment. Humanistic theories of personality amphasise this especially (R. May, V. E. Frankl, C. Rogers). Responsibility, a feature that can be used to shape one’s future, in the analysis made by the author appears as a relative value; always relative in relation to something else. When formulated in the category of feature or attitude (as maturity) it acquires a character of something postulated. Thus, one can speak of the development of the sense of responsibility and point out its symptoms, conditions or stages in this development, although it difficult to point out its „limit“ or „climax point“. The development towards responsibility has thus a vectorlike shape

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