Logistics costs analysis in sme


Logistyka ma za zadanie optymalizować system przepływów dóbr i informacji nie tylko wewnątrz danego podmiotu, ale także w całym łańcuchu dostaw. Wszystkie procesy związane z przepływami rzeczowo-informacyjnymi, do których należą planowanie, wdrażanie i monitorowanie, są w kręgu zainteresowania logistyki. Zadania realizowane w ramach całego systemu logistycznego oraz poszczególnych jego podsystemów generują koszty. Badanie kosztów funkcjonowania systemu logistycznego pozwala na kompleksowe spojrzenie na ich kształtowanie/formowanie w całym łańcuchu dostaw oraz w pojedynczych jego ogniwach.Logistics costs is a category extremely significant costs in terms of profitability of economic activities, as indicated by their relatively high participation in relation to the income. Identification and analysis of logistics costs in enterprises causes significant problems for small and medium-sized enterprises especially, due to adopted method of economic actions recording. In this paper the authors present the implemented methodology and the results of research on the size and structure of logistics costs in small and medium enterprises in relation to the firm generated revenue. Results of analyzes have been compared to results of research in other countries. Then authors point on the methods of logistics costs accounting in the surveyed companies. Logistics costs not only significantly reduce profits, but because narrow exploration of the problem, it is also an important reservoir of enterprise competitiveness improvement. However, before managers take actions to improve the size and structure of logistics costs, in many cases they should deal with inappropriate, inaccurate, or even the lack of logistics costs accounting. Cognitive and analytical action in the area of logistics costs seems to be a first fundamental step in taking corrective actions in this area

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