Economic consequences of the 2016 storm in the Supraśl Forest District


The purpose of the article is to determine the value of losses resulting from salvage cutting of stands and to estimate the amount of extraordinary costs and profits from the sale of removed wood in forests damaged by a wind−storm that occurred on June 17, 2016 in the Supraśl Forest District (NE Poland). We obtained the following data from the State Forests Information System: the size of disaster area, the volume and structure of harvested wood in the affected area, extraordinary costs as a result of damage caused by a wind−storm, average sales price of downed or broken wood separated into individual recipients and entrepreneurs. The renewal of the disaster area has not been completed as for June 5, 2019. To determine the value of losses due to salvage felling of stands, formulas included in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 20 June 2002 on one−time compensation for salvage felling of stands were used. Tables of stand value indicators developed by the Forest Research Institute in 2013 were used for the calculations. The total area of forests damaged by a wind−storm in the Supraśl Forest District was 329 ha. The area in which harvesting was carried out using a clear−cutting method covered 284 ha, the removal of damage in the remaining area was performed in accidental cuts. The total extraordinary costs incurred by the Supraśl Forest District as a result of a wind−storm amounted to over PLN 10.9 million, the largest group were costs related to harvesting and skidding of trees in disaster areas (nearly PLN 9.5 million). The total value of sales of large− and medium−sized wood assortments to retail customers was approximately PLN 1.93 million and to entrepreneurs over PLN 44.7 million. The value of small−sized assortments was at the level of PLN 37.5 thousand for retail customers and PLN 39.8 thousand for entrepreneurs. The value of forests damaged by a wind−storm was estimated at over PLN 20.3 million. A comprehensive analysis of the economic effects of the natural disaster in the Supraśl Forest District has not been completed; it requires research conducted in subsequent years, as the consequences and related costs of the hurricane will be experienced in the near future

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