GEM Interim Monitoring and Evaluation Report


GEM is a social inclusion programme aimed at moving a range of disadvantaged groups closer to the labour market, training and education. Since October 2016 the programme has engaged 1745 participants, of which 629 have moved into paid employment and 281 into education and training. The on-going monitoring and evaluation has revealed a range of positive and often life changing outcomes for the vast majority of participants, most notably in improving their personal and motivational attributes and through removing barriers to the provision of advice and support. The Monitoring and Evaluation framework for GEM encompasses both an outcomes (summative) and process (formative) evaluation. The summative evaluation examines the outcomes and impact of the project with the aim of determining overall effectiveness. The formative evaluation focuses on learning around processes linked to planning, management and delivery of the project, and the extent to which planned activities are carried out. These are incorporated in a cyclical approach through which data are continuously gathered, analysed and disseminated

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