High performance high quality image demosaicing hardware designs


Since capturing three color channels (red, green, and blue) per pixel increases the cost of digital cameras, most digital cameras capture only one color channel per pixel using a single image sensor. The images pass through a color filter array before being captured by the image sensor. Demosaicing is the process of reconstructing the missing color channels of the pixels in the color filtered image using their available neighboring pixels. There are many image demosaicing algorithms with varying reconstructed image quality and computational complexity. In this thesis, high performance hardware architectures are designed for two high quality image demosaicing algorithms with high computational complexity. The proposed hardware architectures are implemented on an FPGA. A high performance Alternating Projections (AP) image demosaicing hardware is proposed. This is the first AP image demosaicing hardware in the literature. A high performance Enhanced Effective Color Interpolation (EECI) image demosaicing hardware is proposed. This is the first EECI image demosaicing hardware in the literature. The proposed hardware architectures are implemented using Verilog HDL. The Verilog RTL codes are mapped to a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA. The proposed FPGA implementations are verified with post place & route simulations. They can process 31 and 94 full HD (1920x1080) images per second, respectively

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