
The state of sustainable investments in key emerging markets: synthesis report


The report is intended as a summary and synthesis of country reports on the state of sustainable investing in key emerging markets, namely China, India, Brazil and Turkey. In general, the authors have defined sustainable investments as investments that incorporate environmental (E), social(S) and governance (G) factors into the investment processes. The reports primarily investigate sustainable investments through the supply of financial capital to publicly listed firms in the form of equity investments through the stock markets, using strategies that incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks into the investment process, with a long-term perspective. These investments can be purposefully ESG-inclusive and marketed as such (theme-based or labelled), or they can include ESG factors somehow in the processes without explicitly referring to sustainability-related factors. The reports also consider the supply of financial capital in various classes and forms to listed and privately held firms with a consideration of the investment’s impact on economic and social development or on investors’ values

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