Rezerwat Meteoryt Morasko : morfogeneza kosmiczna zagłębień terenu


Metallic material fell over a wide area around Morasko, as is unambiguously shown by the large number of iron lumps of different size, with characteristic Widmanstetten structures and troilite inclusions. Apart from meteorites, metallic micrometeorites and magnetic spherules are also present. An explosive impact dated as around 5 000 years ago not only delivered material, but also led to the formation of meteorite craters. The time of fall is proved by palynological, radiometric and luminescence methods. It seems likely that a second fall of metallic meteorites occurred at Morasko about 2 000 years ago, though without geomorphological effects. The presence of extraterrestrial magnetic material, in combination with the geological and geomorphological effects of its fall, make the Morasko area a highly interesting and important natural sit. Only less than 20 documented sites worldwide where such a complex record exists

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