Geometrical structure of the surface after EDM using graphite and copper electrode - comparison


W referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu parametrów wejściowych obróbki elektroerozyjnej: amplitudy prądu I, czasu impulsu ton, czasu przerwy toff, oraz rodzaju materiału elektrody roboczej; miedź, grafit, przy ustalonych pozostałych parametrach obróbki na wybrane parametry struktury geometrycznej obrobionej powierzchni. Badania wykonano według trójpoziomowego planowanego eksperymentu Boxa Behnkena.The paper presents the influence of the amplitude of I, pulse time ton, the time break toff, and the type of working electrode material: copper, graphite, on the surface layer parameters after EDM. Research was carried out by an planned experiment three-level Box Behnken. The developed data acquisition circuit allowed the determination of the characteristics of AC machines necessary for the proper selection of parameters implemented in the planned experiment (stable in the whole area of variation). Developed regression equations depend on the real measured parameters are characterized by a high degree of correlation. They show that the main factors affecting the geometrical structure of the surface after EMD is the current intensity and pulse duration (at fixed other parameters of treatment). Used in the processes of EDM electrode material (copper, graphite) does not significantly change the parameters of the SGP

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