W artykule przedstawiono analizy morfometryczne obszaru Polski. Wykonano mapy hipsometryczną, deniwelacji, spadków, kierunków nachyleń i odchyleń standardowych. W badaniach wykorzystano wysokościowe dane satelitarne SRTM-3 o rozdzielczości 3x3 (60-65x90 m), które do celów badań zgeneralizowano do siatki 125x125 m, a następnie do heksagonów o powierzchni 0,14 i 3 km2. Dane te, ze względu na szczegółowość, powinny być bardzo przydatne w analizach morfometrycznych, w tym na potrzeby praktyki.The article discusses the results of research on the differentiation of land relief in Poland based on altitude data from SRTM {Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), which is released in the resolution of 3x3 (for Poland's latitude it is 60-65x90 m). Calculations were based on the data in lower resolution done on the grid of 125x125 m. The article presents classic morphometric analyses, a hypsometric map (fig. 2) and maps of differences of relative altitudes (fig. 4), slope angles (fig. 5) and slope directions. Percentage of area in high a.s.l. altitudes and slopes by region were also calculated (tabl. 1 and 2) The author suggests a new method of presentation of differentiation of surface relief through the analysis of variation of standard relative altitude in regular geometrical figures (fig. 7). Maps of Poland in 1:5,000,000 prepared for the article were generalized using a network of hexagons of 0,14 and 3 km2 each (respectively 2,300,000 and 104,200 cells for the area of Poland), within which particular variables were averaged. The research showed high usefulness of SRTli data, particularly in scales below 1:100,000. This data is very detailed and can be applied for various morphometric analyses, which are currently revived becat of this, particularly in geomorphology, hydrology and pedology. Application of computer techniques radio reduces the time needed for tedious calculations. In the case of classic morphometric analyses high hopes are raised by data mining techniques and cluster analysis in general, which facilitate discovery of often difficult to perceive, nevertheless crucial regularities the morphometric differentiation of the Earth's surface. This can help to explain morphogenetic and landscape-forming processes. The last section of the article discusses the possibilities of application of detailed altitude data beyond the traditional range of Earth sciences (geology, physical geography), i.e. in socio-economic study and spatial economy. For more advanced application it is however necessary to eliminate the influence of some land cover forms, forests in particular. It is particularly important in lowland and flatland areas