Logistics in services vs. logistic services


Nowadays, companies offer various logistics services to their customers. Diversity of these services is essential for business. The range of services that logistics companies cover depends on various factors; it can be solely transport, but can also be a complex service that includes organisation of raw materials delivery, warehousing, delivery of finished goods to customers and dealing with documents like invoices, waybills and others. The increasing popularity of logistics in services is noticeable. This is connected with global changes. This is a complex phenomenon that connects aspects and features of services and logistics. The three most important areas for logistics in services are: minimisation of waiting time, management of service potential and service delivery. The goal of this article is to reveal the difference between these two subjects and review the literature connected with them. The main conclusions are that logistics services can be seen as belonging to logistics in the services phenomenon. In every area of logistics in services, three phases can be distinguished: supply, production and sales. Germany has the leading position in Europe when it comes to the logistics services market. Dynamic changes in logistics have led to the development of a new classification of logistics enterprises. The European Commission is analysing changes in the sector in order to prepare new strategic objectives

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