Review of an Efficient Face Recognition System Using Hybrid Methodology


At one of the most successful object of images analysis and understanding, face recognition has recently received significant attention, especially during the past few years. Facial recognition System (FRS) has emerged as an attractive solution to address many contemporary needs for identification and the frication of identity claims. It brings together the promise of other biometric systems, which attempt to identity to individually distinctive features of the body. Recognizing frontal countenance of human beings by a computer system is an interesting and challenging problem. Facial recognition System has emerged as an delicious solution to address many instant needs for identification and the verification of identity claims. It brings together the port end of other biometric systems, which attempt to tie identity to individually distinctive features of the body. Facial feature extraction consists in restraining the most characteristic face appearance such as eyes, nose, and mouth regions within the face images that portray the human faces. In this research work , the two most well-known algorithms i.e. LBP algorithm is used as feature ex- tractor of the face image. LBP is used for their resistance against changing frontal facial expressions. PCA algorithm is used for dimension reduction of the countenance vector. The complete approach has been tested on databases of people under different facial expressions

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