A Review: Efficient Encrypted Searching and Traffic Reduction As Mobile Cloud Services


Documentation of information on the Cloud Computing run as fast as Cloud entirely in the world. Even so it carriage distress to partron. Unless the data are encrypted For hostage. Encrypted data should be energetically searchable and retrievable Without any concealment particularly for the cellphone user. Although modern Interdisciplinary studies has solved many distress , the architectonically can not be applied on cellphone directly under the cellphone cloud environment. This is due to the contradict charged by wireless networks, such as latency sensitivity ,Poor connectivity, and low transmission rates. due to this extend to a chronic search Time and extra network traffic value. When using the conventional search schemes. This paper solve these matter by providing an efficient encrypted data search Method as cellphone cloud service. This method include lightweight trapdoor (encrypted Keyword) differentiate method, which is optimization of data sending process by decreasing the trapdoors size for traffic efficiency. In this publication we also include two Optimization method for data search, known as the trapdoor mapping table module and Ranked serial binary search algorithm to quick the search time. So by using Efficient data search over mobile cloud it Decreases search time by 34% to 47% and also network traffic by 17% to 41%

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