Smart Cities and New Technology Trends State of the art and perspectives


Smart cities are becoming the trend in strategic and technological planning in the modern world to qualify a city as a smart city, we should overcome several challenges in other words, it’s an equation of heterogeneous settings and parameters for a concrete outcome which is improving the quality of life for citizens in mobility and access to services in their entourage. The components of the "smart city" equation are multiple and are essentially urban and environmental coupled with technological and social governance, our goal is to draw up an action plan highlighting the state of the art of the technological and social components in terms of: • Technology: big data, Internet of Things. • User Motivation: gamification. This article discusses the architectural part of the smart city from a perspective based on the foundation of good technological practices and technical users loyalty in their interaction with the city. This work is a first step for a future study on the mobility of citizens and mechanisms that motivate their movements

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