Implementation of Knowledge-Based Expert System Using Probabilistic Network Models


The latest development in machine learning techniques has enabled the development of intelligent tools which can identify anomalies in the system in real time. These intelligent tools become expert systems when they combine the algorithmic result of root cause analysis with the domain knowledge. Truth maintenance, fuzzy logic, ontology classification are just a few out of many techniques used in building these systems. Logic is embedded in the code in most of the traditional computer program, which makes it difficult for domain experts to retrieve the underlying rule set and make any changes. These system bridge the gap by making information explicit rather than implicit. In this paper, we present a new approach for developing an expert system using decision tree analysis with probabilistic network models such as Bayes-network. The proposed model facilitate the process of correlation between belief probability with the unseen data by use of logical flowcharting, loopy belief propagation algorithm, and decision trees analysis. The performance of the model will be measured by evaluation and cross validation techniques

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