Considering Two Sides of One Review Using Stanford NLP Framework


Sentiment analysis is a type of natural language processing for tracking the mood of the public about a particular product or a topic and is useful in several ways. Polarity shift is the most classical task which aims at classifying the reviews either positive or negative. But in many cases, in addition to the positive and negative reviews, there still many neutral reviews exist. However, the performance sometimes limited due to the fundamental deficiencies in handling the polarity shift problem. We propose an Improvised Dual Sentiment Analysis (IDSA) model to address this problem for sentiment classification. We first propose a novel data expansion technique by creating sentiment-reversed review for each training and test review. We develop a corpus based method to construct a pseudo-antonym dictionary. It removes DSA’s dependency on an external antonym dictionary for review reversion. We conduct a range of experiments and the results demonstrates the effectiveness of DSA in addressing the polarity shift in sentiment classification.

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