Improving Search Rank by Optimizing TTFB


Now a days, everyone is in a great hurry and no one waits for turtles. Studies have shown that the search ranking are affected by how fast the web page loads. The simple logic behind this is “ A website which takes too much time to load provide poor user experience, today's user would quickly shift to next search result and you will end up loosing one“. The big search engine giant, Google search uses large number of parameters for determining search rankings which are mostly related to the content on your website, URL , social metrics, quality, quantity, SSL certificates, etc. In 2010, Google added one more factor in search ranking which is websites speed. TTFB (Time To First Byte) provides a clear way to determine how fast/slow there web page loads. Hence, here I'm focusing on improving website search engine ranking by applying various techniques to optimize TTF

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