Impact of Knowledge and Awareness on Road Safety Management


Road transport sector plays an important role in the development of any country particularly developing country like the Republic of India. Roads in republic India carry calculable 60 percent of freight and 80 percent of passengers. Ironically, the arena is additionally the foremost unsafe, accountable for the death and injurious of voluminous folks throughout the planet in keeping with World Health Organization report(2017), 1.24 million folks were killed and 20-50 million folks sustained injuries area unit the eighth leading causes of death for children aged 15-19 years As per the world standing on road safety, sixty P.C of road accidents death belongs to a little cluster of 10 countries which inc the India corporate Republic of India The road accidents in developing nation like the Republic of India are unit key setbacks towards the economic progress of the country. The Republic of India has one percent of the vehicle population, however, six percent of road accidents casualties within the world and she or he world leader in terms of fatalities. Each year over one,30,000 folks killed in the road accident and over four, 00,000 folks get disabled in the Republic of India. In keeping with National Crime Road Bureau of the Republic of India, 2018, their area four, 43,000 road accidents and one,37,423 fatalities happened in the Republic of India throughout the year 2017. S0, the matters in the Republic of India is sort of dire with an increase in the vehicle population and while not adequate road infrastructure

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