Analysis of the Relation between Organizational Culture and Alienation in Secondary Educational Institutions


This research in associational research model aims to determine the relation between the organizational culture prevailing in secondary educational institutions and alienation. Research population was composed of 525 teachers employed in 20 secondary high schools in the central district of Siirt in 2015-2016 academic year. Due to the low number of teachers, sampling was not made. “Organizational Culture Scale” developed by Terzi (2005) and “Work Alienation Scale” developed by Elma (2003) were utilized. Descriptive statistical techniques, Correlation Analysis and Path analysis were performed in the research. Results revealed a negative and medium level relation between the organizational culture and alienation. Results also showed that dimensions of organizational culture do not predict alienation to school dimension. Furthermore, it was identified that support culture was not a significant predictor of alienation. Based on the results of the research, school administrators were suggested to incorporate team work into their work, avoid extremely normative practices, and assure an atmosphere enabling teachers to take initiatives

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