Teaching of Peace Education at University level: An Analytical Study


The study was conducted to know the views of University students about the teaching of peace education at university level. The type of research was descriptive conducted with survey method. The objectives of the study were to 1) Explore the views of the youth studying in various Universities of Lahore about teaching of peace education. 2) Compare the views of students of public and private sector Universities 3) compare the views of regular and special education students about the teaching of peace education. The population of the study comprised of University students studying in the Universities of Lahore. A number of 250 University students were selected by applying random sampling technique. The educational qualification of the respondents were graduation and post-graduation. The structured questionnaire consisted of 15 questions was developed to collect the data. The five point Likert scale was used to illicit the students’ responses. Frequency of the responses along with percentage was calculated. The independent sample t-test analysis was run to see the difference between the opinion of special and general education teachers and students of public and private sector universities. Majority of the students responded that teaching of peace education is need of time and will reduce the aggression in the youth. The study has recommended teaching of peace education as a part of regular curriculum at university level

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