Morpho-tectonic evolution of the Marmara Sea inferred from multi-beam bathymetric and seismic data


In an initial stage, the Sea of Marmara developed as a graben and, in due course, considerable volumes of sediments were deposited in this basin. Before 200 ka, a new fault (New Marmara Fault) cutting through the whole basin developed, which postdated large sub-marine land sliding in the western part of the basin. This mass movement created the Western Ridge. The initiation of this strike-slip fault indicates that the extensional stress regime was replaced by a new, shearing stress field. In the eastern part of the Marmara Basin, the New Marmara Fault consists of two branches. The northern one replaces the normal faulting at the bottom of the northeastern slope of the basin. As a result, this slope has been rejuvenated. The southern branch is located along the central axis of the basin, forming the major extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone within the region. Two restraining bends were formed because of the counterclockwise rotation of that part of the Anatolian Block. This resulted the uplifting of the Eastern Ridge and the formation of the positive flower structure within the Tekirdag Basin. The establishment of the compressional regime around the Sea of Marmara also resulted in the northwest-southeast shortening of the initial Marmara Basin

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