The Android Based Wheelchair Control Using Bluetooth


In this project android mobile-based wheelchair controller is used. The system is designed to control a wheelchair by using an android device like mobile [3]. The main objective of this project is to help the movement of disable people or handicapped and also the elder people who are not able to move well. The result of this design will allow the special people to live a life with less dependence on others. Android knowledge is a key which may provide a new approach of human communication with machines. Thus their problem can be solved by using android technology to control the movement of a wheelchair. In this project, Basic 4 android interfaces are considered to program the android device that will be able to control the movement of wheelchair [1]. This project integrated IOIO board and direct current motor to create the movement of wheelchair. The results of this project showed hat this project can be used for future research works and to design quality innovation that meets market need and public  nterest

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