Bioclimatology and ecoclimatology prospecting: Right out development


This paper discusses fact that there is small number of articles about bioclimatic research in domestic scientific literature which is correlated with small number of bioclimatic researching projects. Authors want to emphasize that for changing this condition it is necessary to applying multidisciplinary approach to bioclimatic research. As an example of multidisciplinary approach in bioclimatic research it is representing mathematical model MENEX-5. This model opens a new opportunities for bioclimatic research of actual environmental problems, which are trigger by global climate change and destruction of ozone layer.U ovom radu se razmatra činjenica da u domaćoj naučnoj literaturi postoji mali broj tekstova o bioklimatskim istraživanjima što je uslovljeno izuzetno malim brojem istraživačkih projekata u oblasti bioklimatologije. Autori žele da naglase da je za promenu ovakvog stanja neophodno primeniti multidisciplinarni pristup u bioklimatološkim istraživanjima. Kao primer multidisciplinarnog pristupa bioklimatskim istraživanjima predstavlja se matematički model MENEX-5. Ovaj model otvara nove mogućnosti za bioklimatska istraživanja aktuelnih ekoloških problema koja su izazvana globalnim klimatskim promenama i uništavanjem ozonskog omotača

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