Research on sound radiation characteristics of the high-speed train wheel


Taking the standard wheel model as an example, the radiation noise of a single wheel under excitation force which is computed by multi-body dynamics model is computed by acoustic boundary element method (BEM). Then, the damped wheel is proposed, and the sound radiation characteristics of both wheels are analyzed and compared. The results show that sound field of a single wheel presents an obvious directivity with petaloid change and continuous decrease, and the wheel tread and web contribute the most rolling noise. Compared with the standard wheel, the acoustic radiation power of the damped wheel decreased significantly, especially at the peak frequency. After that, the radiation noise generated by the wheel in the train is researched. The results show that the radiation noise generated by the wheel in the train is a complex sound field after the superposition and interference of multiple wheel noises, which are mainly in the bogies at both ends and its vicinity region. Meanwhile, the basic directivity characteristics of the petaloid change and continuous reduction are remained. The radiation noise which is generated by the wheel in the train has obvious peak characteristic, whose corresponding peak noises are below 110 dB. The radiation noise of the damped wheel is significantly smaller than that of the standard wheel at most frequency bands, and the total SPL at the observation point has decreased by 14.5 dB with obvious noise reduction effect. In order to further research the radiation noise of the damping wheel, influence factors on the noise reduction are analyzed. Finally, these parameters such as thickness and material should be considered comprehensively during designing the damping wheel, in order to find the optimal combination of all parameters

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