Quality learning seen from the activity of students in learning and learning outcomes. With high activity in the expected learning can improve learning performance of students. To create a quality learning needs application of learning models that stimulate creative and innovative activity of students in learning activities. One of the learning model is the "Sequential Around Table" (SAT). This research reveals about efforts to improve the quality of learning through Learning Model SAT, in order to determine how large an increase in the quality of learning by looking at the activities and student achievement in civics lesson. Shaped Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. Results of data analysis showed, value of student learning activities in the first cycle meeting both 1 and 2 is not significant because the students get grades below KKM (67). The success seen in cycle 1 or 2 good 2 meeting, absorption and activity of students a significant increase. Of the 6 students only one student who has not reached the KKM, ketuntatas mean level of student learning can be said complete 83.33%, while 16.67% did not complete. In classical mastery percentage in the second cycle 2 meeting (last meeting) was 67.76%. The results showed the use of SAT learning model proven to increase quality and student achievement, achieved mastery level in classical significantly.Keywords: Learning, learning activities, academic achievement, Civics, Sequential learning models Around Table (SAT