COVID-19 Advertorials Accentuating Fright and Xenophobia in Ecosystem: An Eco-linguistic Approach to SFL


This present study explores manipulation of language of COVID-19 advertorials to achieve specific goal of fear and xenophobia among people through ecolinguistic study of five advertorials published on COVID-19 on five global websites. To the best of author’s knowledge, no research has been conducted on advertorials of different websites in this COVID-19 language context. The purpose of this research is to investigate and apply M.A.K. Halliday’s  3 semantic meta-functions proposed in Systemic Functional Linguistics (henceforth SFL) on corona advertorials from ecolinguistic perspective. Collection of 5 corona advertorials was gathered as data from 5 different websites. Only one corona advertorial from each website was built. Ecolinguistic analysis of Halliday’s 3 meta-function was adopted as analytical framework to analyse elements of fear and xenophobia in the language of COVID-19 advertorials. Present research employed qualitative, descriptive method containing observation. Results revealed that 3 meta-functions of ecolinguistic SFL can be used in shedding light on use of language in these advertorials to sustain and invigorate a global narrative of fright and xenophobia. Findings showed that language of COVID-19 advertorials accentuates elements of fright and xenophobia in ecosystem. Results of current study will deliver a guideline of didactic inferences for future researchers in the field

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