Financial and Operating Statistics of All Systems to Which REA Had Made Allotments as of September 30, 1940


Excerpts from the report: The following tables present financial and operating data for all REA-financed systems. Data are divided among the tables as follows: Table I — Allotments, Advances and Operating Statistics; Table II — Income and Debt Service Statements; Table III — Interest and Principal Accrued Accounts; Table IV — Borrowers with Interest or Principal More Than 30 Days in Arrears on June 30, 1940 and October 31, 1940; Table V — Summary of Debt Service Statements June 30, 1940 and October 31, 1940. Revenue, expense and operating statistics included in these tables summarize reports to REA by the REA-financed systems and are subject to possible revision on the basis of future audits adjustment

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