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Not AvailableSeveral studies around the globe shows that chane in global surface temperature, rainfall, evaporation and extreme events since the start of 20th century . The studies ahowed that climatic change is likely to have a significant impact upon fresh water resources availability . The demand for water has al-ready increased tremendously over the years due to an increasing population, expanding agriculture, rapid industrialization, urbanization and economic devel-opment. In this context, analyzing and forecasting climate change impacts on water requirement of hor-ticulture crops is vital before devising suitable adap-tation strategies and planning and management of limited water resources in arid and semi-arid region of country . An overview of the global warming and cli-mate change, trends in increase in temperature and change in precipitation over Indian sub continent are compared with global trends. This paper also pre-sents an overview of current water resources sce-nario in India, and recent work carried out in India to asses the climate change impact on water resources.Not Availabl

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