Determination of apropriate concrete mixtures in concrete lined irrigation canals used in the gap region [GAP bölgesi sulama kanal kaplamalarinda kullanilabilecek uygun beton karişim oranlarinin belirlenmesi]


This research was aimed at determining appropliate concrete ratios in concrete lined irrigation channels used under the climatic conditions of Şanliurfa region. Firat river's aggregates, brought from Samsat (Adiyaman) region, were used in preparation of concrete. According to the results obtained, it was found that aggregates used was suitable for concrete production. Different ratios of cement used in the mixture, were prepared through mixing with aggregates with fly ash and chemical admixture called Sika-AER. Amounts of cements in the mixture were decreased in ratios of 0, 10, 15, 20 and 25% by weight and was replaced instead with, fly ash from Afşn-Elbistan Thermal Power Station. The best concrete mixture was found with 15% fly ash. Basic characteristics of this concrete were found as following: compressive strength of 232 kgf/cm2, water absorption of 3.75%, specific weight of 2.41 kg/dm3, relative dynamic elasticity module of 77.13 %, ratios of pore 8.75 %. Sika-AER was added in ratios of 0.05,0.10 and 0.15% of cement in weight. The most suitable cement was obtained with Sika-AER of 0.05 %. And the resulting, concrete mixture had a compressive strengt of 186 kgf/cm2, water absorption of 3.43 %, specific weight of 2.32 kg/dm3, relative dynamic elasticity module of 106.28 %, ratios of pore 8.00 %. At the result fly ash and Sika-AER added were bettened the concrete quality and those type of adding can be used in the GAP region successfully

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