Fine needle aspiration cytology of amyloid goitre associated with familial mediterranean fever


Background: Amyloidosis occasionally complicates the course of Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF). Amyloid deposition may occur in various organs, but goitre secondary to amyloid deposition is rarely seen in FMF. Method: We report the case of a 29-year-old male with amyloid goitre (AG) secondary to FMF. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) enabled correct diagnosis of AG prior to surgery. Results: Cytologic slides revealed abundant amorphus material with the staining characteristics of amyloid. Histopathological findings in the thyroidectomy specimen confirmed the FNAC. A parathyroid gland was also infiltrated with amyloid. Conclusions: The diagnosis of AG should always be suspected in patients with FMF when they present with an enlarged thyroid and FNAC should be the first pre-operative diagnostic tool. Besides, other conditions in which amyloid deposition occur-especially medullary carcinoma of the thyroid-should always be kept in mind in the differantial diagnosis

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