Lead papers’ of National Symposium on Climate change and Rainfed Agriculture organized by Indian society of Dryland agriculture and Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture


Not AvailableThe principal components of climate change are increased temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 ) concentrations. Since climate change is believed to be more certain now, it is time for researchers to develop management strategies to cope with increased incidence of insect pests as a result of climate change. Of the several environmental factors temperature extremes play critical role in influencing the population of insect pests. Our experience indicated that there is a ‘shift’ in the pest status of several key species in recent periods, though these shifts may not be solely attributable to climate change. In the present situation, one can expect significant changes in the growth, development and population dynamics of various insect pests. The duration of the insect life cycle is altered under increased temperature and elevated CO2 concentrations resulting in variable number of generations per year. Under elevated CO2 higher consumption of foliage by leaf chewing insects with extended larval duration is observed in many studies. Published data reveals that some pests become more serious while others may decline. Evaluating the impact of climate change on insect pests is a very complex exercise and requires greater understanding of interactive factors. A more critical database on biotic stresses and their relationship with drivers of climate change is required for evolving adaptation strategies by farmers.Not Availabl

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