3D modelling in Architecture: from tangible to virtual model


Models as useful tools within architecture practice have been used for centuries. While information about their use before Hellenistic civilization is limited, we have evidence to suggest that ancient Greek society used models in their architectural practice. This trend continued until the Renaissance. After this period this trend began to decline as a result of the influential theories presented by Galileo Galilei, who demonstrated how models cannot provide a reliable structural assessment. Current practice is once again embracing the use of 3D modeling, even if not in the tangible form rather in the virtual and digital form. Tangible and virtual 3D models used by architects have changed in type, scope and function. They play different roles within the design processes and in the project management in both new and existing architecture. The paper presents an overview of the ethical and practical dimension of models along history and their roles in architectural practice. The analysis of the historical transformations, in particular of the legacy of Leon Battista Alberti theories and thoughts, inspires some reflections on the current applications of 3D virtual models and on their role in the design as well in the construction phase. To gain awareness of the current uses of the virtual 3D models and their further possible developments, an overview of the transformation of the tangible models within the design processes along history will be provided. Keywords

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