Maximizing the Switching Activity of Different Modules Within a Processor Core via Evolutionary Techniques


One key aspect to be considered during device testing is the minimization of the switching activity of the circuit under test (CUT), thus avoiding possible problems stemming from overheating it. But there are also scenarios, where the maximization of certain circuits' modules switching activity could be proven useful (e.g., during Burn-In) in order to exercise the circuit under extreme operating conditions in terms of temperature (and temperature gradients). Resorting to a functional approach based on Software-based Self-test guarantees that the high induced activity cannot damage the CUT nor produce any yield loss. However, the generation of effective suitable test programs remains a challenging task. In this paper, we consider a scenario where the modules to be stressed are sub-modules of a fully pipelined processor. We present a technique, based on an evolutionary approach, able to automatically generate stress test programs, i.e., sequences of instructions achieving a high toggling activity in the target module. With respect to previous approaches, the generated sequences are short and repeatable, thus guaranteeing their easy usability to stress a module (and increase its temperature). The processor we used for our experiments is the Open RISC 1200. Results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective in achieving a high value of sustained toggling activity with short (3 instructions) and repeatable sequences

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