"Thermoluminescence dating laboratory improvements tested on an archaeological rescue site in Trino, Vercelli province, Italy"


Thermoluminescence (TL) is a reliable radiation-based technique for the dating and authentication of ceramic objects, allowing the evaluation of the time elapsed since their last exposure to high temperatures (e.g. firing in kiln or later fire events). The TL laboratory developed in the last decade at the Physics Department of the University of Torino, currently operating within the INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) CHNet network, is presented. The 10-years-long experience in the field resulted in the enhancement of the procedures, with the development of customised α and β irradiation systems and the optimisation of sampling approach and chemical pre-treatment. In collaboration with TecnArt S.r.l., the improved procedures were employed for dating two structures from a rescue archaeological site in the Vercelli province (Italy)

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