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Not AvailablePhytoplasmas are intracellular obligate pathogens, transmitted by phloem-feeding insect vectors. Phytoplasma diseases associated with vegetable crops occur all around the world and cause significant yield losses. Phytoplasmainfected plants show characteristic symptoms of yellowing, proliferation of shoot, reduction in leaf size, stunting, shortened internode, and phyllody. Different diagnostic methods such as electron microscopy and Dienes staining are developed for the detection of phytoplasmas; however, their detection mainly relies on molecular techniques like PCR, RFLP, nested PCR based on 16S rRNA gene, etc. Phytoplasma diseases were transmitted by phloem-feeding insects, grafting, and through dodder. Epidemic of phytoplasma disease outbreaks can be controlled either by the eradication of pathogens from the infected plant and alternative hosts or by controlling the vectors. Moreover, development of resistant cultivars against phytoplasma 50diseases is still far from complete. Therefore, the most effective method to prevent the outbreak is the use of clean propagating materials, altering the date of sowing and control of vectors. This chapter helps in understanding the symptomatology, transmission, distribution, ecology, detection, infection biology, and management of phytoplasma disease on vegetable crops.Not Availabl

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