The Monetary Policies Of The New Deal


Numerous books and thousands of articles have been written about the New Deal, its aims, objectives, and leaders. It is likely that all of the material that has been written has been the out-spoken thoughts of the various writers. Much of the material has been criticism both constructive and destructive, that is to say, some of the suggestions that have been offered if put into practice would have been helpful while others would have been detrimental. The material that has been constructive has been the result of careful thought on the part of the writer, while the other has hot. That constructive material which I have found has been classified as scientific and therefore as reliable and useful. Although scientific material has been rather difficult to obtain, it has been the aim of the writer to use only that material which, in the main, has been written for scientific reasons with a logical approach. Hie author will not attempt to criticize or put forth new policies that would alleviate the economic pressure that is bearing upon the nation, but only to collect and preserve in a simple yet factual manner some of the monetary policies that have been experimented with and placed in practice during the life of the New Deal

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