The Impact of Driver Reaction in Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems


Cooperative Vehicular Safety (CVS) has recently been widely studied in the field of automated vehicular systems. CVS systems help decrease the rates of accidents. However, implementing and testing CVS applications in real world is very costly and risky. Hence, most of the related research studies on CVS applications have relied mainly on simulations. In simulated CVS systems, it is important to consider all critical aspects of used models, and how these models affect one another. The movement model is a key component in the simulation study of CVS systems, which controls the mobility of vehicles (nodes) and responses to the continually changing acquiredinformation. However, existing mobility models are not created to take action(s) in response to hazardous situations (identified by situational awareness component). Integrating the reaction(s) to a hazardous alert is a missing element in current CVS system simulations. Hence to rectify this deficiency, this work is to incorporate a Driver’s Reaction Model (DReaM) that react and respond to hazard alerts, and studies the effect of main components of CVS system including the added model. We examined a simulation modeling framework that describes cooperative vehicle safety system as one unified model. The studied framework is powered by cooperation and communication between vehicles. Investigated elements are communication model, movement model, warning generation, and driver response to warning indicating an emergency of near to crash situation

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