Undervisning i kritisk tenkning: Autonomi til å bruke billedbøker til undervisning i småskolen og på mellomtrinnet.


This project addresses whether in-service teachers and pre-service teachers feel they have the agency to utilize picture books to promote critical thinking, with a particular focus on 4th and 5th grade. A total of six interviews were conducted; a small group of pre-service teachers and a pair of teachers were interviewed three times. Each interview featured a different picture book with a different theme, but they also included more general questions, ranging from teacher agency to defining critical thinking. The results indicate that the use of picture books is currently somewhat limited in the English classroom, while elements of critical literacy was more often included. The pre-service teachers also had a more positive attitude towards teaching critical thinking, while the teachers equally emphasised the importance of vocabulary and grammar, noting that elements of critical thinking were already implicitly present in many aspects of their normal teaching practice. While previous research also suggests that the use of picture books can motivate learners to share viewpoints on meaningful issues, this study suggests that the use of picture books can be an inclusive entryway to learning the necessary vocabulary to discuss the themes within the books in light of critical thinking

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