The effect of cropping system on grain yield of soybean


U savremenim konceptima razvoja konvencionalne poljoprivrede uloga i značaj plodoreda su nezamenljivi odnosno, prelazak sa monokulture i dvopoljnog na tropoljni plodored, uvođenjem useva soje, su neminovni sa aspekta povećanja produktivnosti. Soja je odličan predusev većini ratarskih biljaka, kako sa aspekta obezbeđivanja jednog dela azota azotofiksacijom, tako i sa aspekta poboljšanja strukture zemljišta i smanjenja zakorovljenosti. Ne treba zanemariti činjenicu održanja i povećanja sadržaja organske materije u zemljištu što je značajan indikator potencijalne plodnosti zemljišta. Ispitivan je prinos zrna soje na oglednom školskom dobru Poljoprivrednog fakulteta - Radmilovac tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda istraživanja. Praćen je uticaj tri sistema gajenja: monokulture i dva različita plodoreda (tropoljni i šestopoljni) na produktivnost useva soje. Gajenjem soje u plodoredima dobijaju se veći prinosi zrna u poređenju sa monokulturom, a naročito su, u tom smislu, povoljan uticaj imali plodoredi sa većim brojem polja. Bitna je činjenica da sa svakom novom rotacijom prinos useva soje se povećavao. Korišćenje svih pozitivnih osobina ove agrotehničke, biološke i organizaciono-ekonomske mere može doprineti manjem i efikasnijem korišćenju hraniva, a sa tim i energije, smanjiti potreba za primenom pesticida, čime se smanjuju prisutni problemi u vezi sa zaštitom okoline i degradacijom zemljišta.In modern concepts of the development of conventional agriculture, the role and significance of the crop rotation are irreplaceable, that is, the transition from continuous cropping and two- to three crop rotation, by introducing soybean crops, are inevitable from the aspect of increasing productivity. Soybean is an excellent previous crop to most growing plants, both from the aspect of providing a part of nitrogen with nitrogen fixation, as well as from the aspect of improving the soil structure and reducing weddiness. We should not ignore the fact of maintaining and increasing the content of organic matter in the soil, which is a significant indicator of the potential fertility of the soil. The yield of soybean was examined at the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture - Radmilovac during the two-year investigation period. The influence of three cropping systems: continuous cropping system and two crop rotation (three- and six crop rotation) on the productivity of soybean were monitored. By cultivating soybeans in crop rotation, higher grain yields are compared to continuous cropping, and in particular, favorable effect in this respect has been the plodding with a large number of fields. It is important that with each new rotation the yield of soybeans increases. The use of all the positive features of this agro-technical, biological and organizational-economic measure can contribute to less and more efficient use of nutrients and energy, reduce the need for pesticide application, which reduces the existing problems related to environmental protection and soil degradation

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