Effects of Ray Sediment Disturbance on Meiofauna in Tidal and Intertidal Zones


Feeding pits created by rays may directly or indirectly affect the num­bers of meiofauna. We examined the recovery rates of meiofauna inside feeding pits in both intertidal and subtidal areas. Cores were taken inside and immediately outside each pit. Numbers of total meiofauna, nematodes, and other meiofauna found within intertidal pits were significantly reduced following pit formation; the numerically dominant nematodes were reduced by 64%. Recovery to background levels occurred by 48 hours. Numbers of meiofauna in subtidal pits were either unaffected by the feeding activity of rays or differences were undetected due to rapid recovery within 24 h. This is the first study in which comparisons have been made concurrently in adjacent subtidal and intertidal areas

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