Nonlinear Time-Variant Response in an Avalanche Photodiode Array Based Laser Detection and Ranging System


This research effort identifies and models the nonlinear time-variant behavior exhibited by an avalanche photodiode (APD) array based Laser Ranging and Detection (LADAR) system. Based on the original Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) model, the evolution of error in the LADAR signal is examined sequentially from the outgoing pulse through signal digitization. This error evolution shows that the LTI model does not contain a mechanism for causing the observed signal deviations or the failure to meet the Cramer-Rao lower bound for range accuracy. A nonlinear time-variant model is developed based on the interactions of the avalanche photodiodes in the array with the array\u27s voltage regulator. In the refined model, the sum photo-current for the entire array loads the voltage regulator. The resulting reverse bias voltage variations cause the responsivity of each APD to vary in a nonlinear fashion. Because each APD in the array\u27s responsivity depends upon the entire array\u27s photonic loading, each individual APD\u27s response is time variant

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