Rapid acute dose assessment using MCNP6


2017 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Acute radiation doses due to physical contact with a high-activity radioactive source have proven to be an occupational hazard. Multiple radiation injuries have been reported due to manipulating a radioactive source with bare hands or by placing a radioactive source inside a shirt or pants pocket. An effort to reconstruct the radiation dose must be performed to properly assess and medically manage the potential biological effects from such doses. Using the reference computational phantoms defined by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code (MCNP6), dose rate coefficients are calculated to assess doses for common acute doses due to beta and photon radiation sources. The research investigates doses due to having a radioactive source in either a breast pocket or pants back pocket. The dose rate coefficients are calculated for discrete energies and can be used to interpolate for any given energy of photon or beta emission. The dose rate coefficients allow for quick calculation of whole-body dose, organ dose, and/or skin dose if the source, activity, and time of exposure are known. Doses are calculated with the dose rate coefficients and compared to results from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports from accidents that occurred in Gilan, Iran and Yanango, Peru. Skin and organ doses calculated with the dose rate coefficients appear to agree, but there is a large discrepancy when comparing whole-body doses assessed using biodosimetry and whole-body doses assessed using the dose rate coefficients

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